Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


If you're a regular visitor to this journal you may have picked up on the fact that Herself in the flat below mine is just a little-bit fond of dinosaurs. (I've provided some evidence in extras).
And at work we have just waved goodbye to approximately 40% of our premises portfolio (40% in terms of quantity of addresses, not acreage, nor value, nor any other way of measuring real-estate portfolios)

And so I have been “dusting” the metaphorically empty shelves and tidying up the remaining “ornaments”.
And that process led me to find the actual original (2003) survey of real dinosaur footprints on a site in Oxfordshire where once-upon-a-time, Arachne and I met the 21st century descendents of those same dinosaurs. I tweaked the survey-point symbol to look more like the real footprints and made a little story-book for Herself – 3 pages zooming in closer and closer so she can see where these actually exist in the real world.
For blip presentation purposes I have included only two of the four dinosaurs surveyed.
I had hoped to be able to show you the real thing on Google satellite but the current imagery has been updated to a drier moment and so there are no puddles evident where these great beasts once trod.

Young colleague has pointed out to me that the world has already ended and that humans are the post-apocalyptic monsters. 
Perhaps “dinosaur” is inappropriate as a derogatory term?

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