Grey Wednesday

It wasn't all that dark, actually.  I knew I wasn't going anywhere, so took some shots in the garden.

As I was deciding which one to post for today, I suddenly remembered that yet another former secondary school classmate passed away day before yesterday -- Sheila Algenio.  We weren't really close back then, although to be honest I don't think I was close to anyone at all, but she was okay, smiling all the time.  We did see each other again years later, when we were both working for travel agencies.  By that time, she had a young son and was working hard as a single mum.  I don't know who'll be next.  I am thankful that I'm still here, of course, as well as some of the other girls who've been in touch through the years.  Nevertheless, every time one of us leaves, I am reminded of how short life can be and often is, and how sometimes we pass each other by without really paying attention to the event.  Sheila died of breast cancer, and now I know that every time I go for a mammo in the future, I will be thinking of her.  RIP, dear Sheila.

An uneventful day of gaming and MOOCking.  AW was able to patch up a small leak in the kitchen area.  It just needed more taping for the faucet that will lead to the dishwasher.  Next step would be to plug in the old holes drilled by the previous owners for cabinets, hooks, and what not.  No Charles I in the evening because I wanted to finish a string of week 2 lectures.  Would you believe it? -- all about how certain freak events in a cell's life can lead to cancer, and how frustratingly impossible it is to pinpoint exactly what causes it.

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