
By HeartFreek

Birthday Number 3 this week!

Day 83

Our day started rather early with a phone call from Daughter Number 1's friend at 2 o'clock this morning, so say Emily was having a mini crisis and could she come home. I had a feeling it was going to happen as alcohol and late nights don't mix too well with Emily, especially after the week she has had! ( evidence is here! )Luckily, her best friends mother was on her way so dropped her back. She was ok after a cuddle.

After a little bit of shopping, we took my step-daughter out for a meal to celebrate her Birthday this week, just 3 days after Daughter Number 1's and 1 day after Daughter Number 2's!!! Come on, keep up!!! She chose Thai, so we went to our local Restaurant. It was actually a buffet and sadly, I wasn't too impressed and wished I had chosen from the menu, but Mr W and his daughter liked it and that's what matters.

Home now, with the fire lit, about to start reports and time sheets. I have put Songs of Praise on Mute!!!!!

Bloody cold innit!!!


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