
By EvelyneNC


Late yesterday afternoon I started a , as I thought, short walk with Maggie in the dune forest. It is nowhere very dense, has many more open places, see the last picture that I took, in the extras, before I realized that I was lost. There are so many meandering paths all over the place. I wasn’t where I thought I was, sun was going down quickly and I started to panic. Walked in circles.(red dot is me)
Didn’t hear any cars and no surf. Knowing that the sun was going down in the West
did not help as I didn’t know in which direction my car was (blue dot)
Maggie stayed by my side but did not show me a way out…
There is not much telephone reception in the area between ocean (on the left) and the Siuslaw River on the right. And my phone had 10% battery life.
Finally I found reception, told hubby with a picture where I was lost and then found my way back to the car with the help of Google Maps after giving it an imaginary goal to reach like a camping ground.
I was very grateful for having taken my phone, for GPS, and the Internet. And that the battery held up for the seemingly endless way towards the road and then to the car. Totally knackered at home I had a big cup of ginger lemon tea and a hot pad on my sore hip.

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