Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Oh yes I did

Busy day once the day job was over trying to tidy up some of my stuff. I thought I'd finally light these candles I made ages ago, as I thought, they looked like they were just going to melt into a big puddle so binned them. Soy wax, even special pillar candle soy wax just isn't strong enough to hold its shape for very long.

Had several deliveries today, just to fill up all the space I've just been creating. Going to be a cramped house for the next few months until Christmas is 'done'.

Oh, and in other news got an invitation to my leaving party this afternoon - in Glasgow - on a Tuesday night - over a week after I've left. Have told them in no uncertain terms there's no way I'm travelling 2.5hrs on public transport (let alone trying to get back again) just to go to my own leaving do. Says it all really.

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