
Following the sun...even in a vase in the house...

A true haar this morning...things were drippy and wet! We got it together anyway to go to Trail House for coffee, even though we had to sit outside because we had Spike with us. He has gotten so much better and even met a three month old puppy named Zoe without charging at her. Once they met, he was happy to sit at our end of the table and relax. 

There was no visibility as we drove over Fountaingrove to Kathy's. Just as well as a lot of the new houses going in there are enormous and without any cohesion of design. We've been working on the simple act of standing straight and maintaining that alignment while moving. It's amazing how much of a workout that is!

We got home in time for John to have a little lunch and turn around and go right back where we had come from to see the orthopedist, who told him his leg is almost healed, he can do whatever he wants but he would like to see him one more time in 6 months. I wonder why?

I had a chat with an old Berkeley friend who broke her femur at the dog park when a pack of dogs hit her at full speed from behind and knocked her down. She had surgery to implant a rod in her leg and is already being encouraged to walk. John's fracture was considerably less serious as it was his fibula that broke, but he didn't have surgery and had to stay off of it for almost ten weeks.  Either way, a lot of rehab involved, but getting started early is definitely an advantage.

They have put some kind of siding on the forever-being-built house which is in a direct line of sight from our bed and the little bistro sitting area outside the door. The house looks somewhat better but  the giant eucalyptus tree that provided a good screen is not going to make it. We are considering yet again planting something fast growing along the fence. We can water it with the grey water from our shower.

It can be hard to make the right decisions in these ever changing conditions...although I don't think we ever expected to have a house appear there in a single day! What next?

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