The beauty that surrounds

By frankie


This was a live performance/exhibit going on behind a curtain in the corner of the RSA as part of the SSA exhibition...after the artist started being more touchy the girl (who is evidently not relaxed) legged it out of there, her friends were quite amused...

Endeavour no. 7: Un-braiding

Sogol Mabadi's ongoing performance practice relies on the active participation of the audience member.

For the 2013 Annual Exhibition, she will cover her face with a braid of her own hair and make use of a setting, generous and changeable in nature, into which the audience member arrives to meet with the unrecognisable other. In this space, they will collaborate to negotiate a physical interaction. This tentative interaction will explore contact, proximity and sense of other.
Sogol Mabadi invites you to participate in what will be private and unspoken one-to-one performances of varying duration as determined by the audience member.

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