Sorted out a couple of queries re fencing and decorating and then headed off to my mono printing workshop. I thought it was going to be Lino printing but nonetheless I enjoyed it. Only three of us and one person lives over at the opposite corner of the road to me/ not one of the objectors though! She chatted about some of the people who live around me and also the history of the area- she has lived there fir 40 years. Got home, packed, had lunch and caught the bus to the station. As usual was waiting less than 5 minutes/ must remember to allow less time! Station was busier than it has been before. Love the Victorian gothic building/ all beautifully cleaned. Blip is the concourse roof. First train was to Grantham, second train to Newark was delayed by 12 mins but as the Edinburgh train was behind it I still managed to get on. It was very busy though/ apparently an earlier one had been cancelled. It began to get warm and I bought a beer. Hadn’t drunk much when I started to feel strange and after a while realised I was heading for another fainting episode- haven’t had one since end of June. Just managed to avoid fainting but didn’t feel at all well for about 15 minutes or so. Fortunately had an almost full bottle of water to use to try to bring my temperature down and slowly began to feel ok. The whole episode took longer to develop and to recover from than previously. Am now wondering if it’s a reaction to alcohol. Was fine for the rest of the journey, arrived atDs as it was getting dark(!) and had a lovely home cooked dinner. Very much a novelty at the moment!
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