The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Feliz Cumple Shuvly

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

It is Shuvly’s birthday today!

We were all a little tender this morning at breakfast and we had a very chilled day by the pool. I can’t remember the last time I spent a few hours just reading a book and I could feel myself completely decompressing.

Basher and Shuvly are VERY funny people. “He bloody played ‘happy birthday’ to me this morning,” she told us, “on my boobs. And you don’t even want to know where he hung my present!”

When we were sitting at the pool, Basher started waving his arms around Shuvly... “Err Shuvly, there’s a fly on your beaver*”

I almost choked.

“What? At least I didn’t try to swat it!”

We had dinner in Stay. We went a few years ago and it was as amazing as we remembered. Fresh seafood, great company and lots of laughter.


*that may be the line of the holiday.

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