Windmill 'De Hoop', Ouddorp

'Ouddorp' = 'Out Dorp' = 'old village'.  Haven't noticed any 'Nieuwdorp' but maybe everything else was new and this was the oldest inhabited area?  Or maybe it was simply an old village in much the same way we sometimes say 'there was an old woman who lived in the woods'.

There are two windmills in Ouddorp.  As is my rule, I will visit the other one another time so that it has its own place in the hunt.  I was lucky with this one -- it was facing the road.  It's in such a crappy spot that there was no room for a wide shot, and I had to stand practically on the doorstep of the owner's house (at least I think it was the owner's house) just to take this shot, and, as you can see, there wasn't much room at the top either.  Cars were parked all over the place, so I couldn't just position myself where it would have been ideal.  There's a grain and pet food shop right next to it, so it was really busy.  No problem, I managed a handful, and that was it.

AW is still being careful about overeating the chocolates, but I still wonder how long they will last.  The rest of the day was uneventful.  Had a couple of panic attacks, for no reason at all, and I've kind of given up trying to find out why.  They come and then they go, and as long as they don't hang around, fine with me.  Caught up with my Ageing MOOC.  Many of the things I couldn't understand before are comparatively easy to digest now, but maybe because I now have more time to study the details.  Finished the first two weeks anyway, four more to go.  I'll put off week 3 of Dunbar till the weekend.

Speaking of which... I hope we all have a good weekend!

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