This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I got the bus (by myself!). I was supposed to catch the number 7 but instead I jumped on the 11 because 7 and 11 rhyme and I was anxious. However, as soon as I sat down I knew I was on the wrong bus and got off at the next stop and got on the right bus. Then off course I got off at the wrong stop but just an early stop so that wasn't any big deal and I walked the rest of the way to my destination.

Met up with "my two chums from the internet" and we went to Haddington for a browse and lunch at Peter Potter Gallery and cafe. We then got a little lost on the way back home but we did pass the school of furniture and saw lots of snow. It was a great day out!

Later, I went with Stewart and his cousin Raymond to a family wedding reception, of Stewart's uncle and his new bride. I was initially very nervous about this event but I got over it. I also found a fiver on the ground while walking to the venue. It was great to meet more of Stewart's family and listen to loud dance hits at the Queen Charlotte Rooms in the heart of Leith.

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