Dead heading

What a glorious day. Warm sunshine all day until now when it’s just begun to cloud over.

Another “relaxing” day. Susan was out with her mum all morning for an appointment at the eye clinic at the hospital. Doreen has been having injections every 4 weeks for several months now. The next injection could be the last.

While she was out I made fish cakes, cleaned the kitchen and hoovered the house and got lunch ready. The afternoon was spent in the garden, tidying and deadheading as you can see. I was on Virginia Creeper duty removing the tendrils from our neighbour’s fence then doing everyone’s favourite job, pruning the pyracantha. Ouch!

While Susan finished off I went for a run, the first since early June, which in itself was the first since early January. Covered 3 miles. I’ll let you know how the knee is tomorrow.

I said it was relaxing….

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