Life and times of us

By Bumpster

Forever blowing bubbles?

Here is little H, in her element in the garden this afternoon. She had been to a birthday party and was desperate to get out into the garden and blow the bubbles she had been given. At one point she looked like a little fairy surrounded by them.

We have had a very relaxing day. A late start followed by Boyzee's famous pancakes for breakfast - the kids go mad for them! Boyzee did C's flashcards with him and I helped H make her Easter Bonnet for school. Got H ready for a party and please allow me some indulgence by saying she looked such a pretty girl!! Took C off into town to feed the ducks and to Old McDonalds for lunch which he was very excited about as he loved the toy in the Happy Meal! He did numerous impressions of Belt from The Croods, much to our and the other diners amusement.

They have gone to bed nicely, ironing done and TV on. Time to really chill out. Happy Sunday night Blippers!

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