2 seconds

- that's how long Tess managed to keep her hat off for.

She doesn't usually like hats and always takes them off within minutes of leaving the house, but today she realised she needed it. It was blooming freezing! My weather app said it was 7 degress today but it most certainly was not. The car thermometer said it was 2 degrees and in the wind it was well and truly minuses. Still no snow, though, here - thank goodness.

We went to Crow Point today and back through the dunes over the board walk. I jokingly said if it's a freezing cold windy day then that is where we go walking - as if it's some family tradition. And that's where we ended up going.
Richard checked the wind direction before we left (it's a man thing) and we walked in the correct direction to avoid sandstorms in our faces. A couple we met coming the other way clearly hadn't checked the wind direction and was walking the wrong way. I would say they didn't look very happy, but I couldn't actually see their faces.

Back home Tess watched The Lion King while I did stuff and Richard went very quiet and still in an "absolutely not asleep" kind of way.

Tess has just read a couple of pages of Stig of the Dump to me. She put on a hilarious voice for the grandmother. As we all know, all grandmothers are incredibly ancient and really posh.

Didn't see much of the teens, as usual. Gemma went to town to see Dan, and Joel did whatever Joel does in his room. We did all have lunch together though - which is never like it is on the telly. Tess talks all the time, mucks about with her food, and everyone gets really annoyed. Funny how different siblings can turn out.

What is also really funny is that we had vegetarian meatballs for tea.
"Vegetarian". "Meatballs"...

Tess has renamed them "Vegetarian Not Meat Balls" <- You hear that, Sainsbury's?

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