
Dd and I were delighted to meet up with Smilelikeabunnny, Karen, his wife (right), and lovely Flora, their daughter.    We nearly managed it in London a few years ago and, as time passes, one begins to wonder if it will ever happen.  Their weekend break in Barcelona meant we could nail it for sure!  The thunderstorm that broke just before the appointed hour was easily dismissed as a trivial attempt to interfere with plans and it's drizzly aftermath leant a curiously British air to our blipmeet as we huddled together around our table in Plaza Olles.

Needless to say, Smilelikeabunny is as genuinely nice as all his ten years of blips have led us to believe and it was lovely to put a voice to a face and get some more details of all their lives in an area of England that is completely unknown to us.   Hopefully, we will meet again and it will be sooner rather than later!

Hasta entonces!

Here's Smilelikeabunny's blip with us both in frame....

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