Brought forward…

… from yesterday because I think it’s worth it! And the only photo I have taken today is of an amazing sunset, but as today itself has been a very dull and wet day, I don’t think it deserved such an ending.

These are the new university buildings in Guildford. I think the new students were arriving yesterday as there were Meet and Greet groups waiting at the railway station and plenty of young people out and about in the evening as we made our way back to the car.

More people returned to church this morning. Sadly lots of the children have joined football training on Sundays so the days for their activities will be changing. I had to listen even more carefully today. I’m leading our midweek group where we discuss and follow up the Sunday message…

Valerie had a long talk with her cancer nurse today and she’s now taking all the pain medication she’s allowed. She’s feeling woozy but the pain is more manageable. She and Neil have moved to a ground floor bedroom and she’s making use of some helps for the shower and for sitting up in bed. And still she is in good spirits….

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