The three wise empty chairs
A lazy blip for a very busy day.
I took my son to get his 2nd Pfizer jab today at the site of the Sydney 2020 Olympics. Much of the site is now leased (I guess) to the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW. I've not been there very much but, from what I've seen, it looks to me like a mix of particularly unattractive, unimaginative, uninspired corrugated steel and pipe buildings. I get that they are utility / sport buildings but still...
As I waited for my son, I played around with a telephoto zoom for a bit then put the 20mm back on (it is day 9 of 11 after all) and, having taken a couple of a building called, unimaginatively "The Dome" I was approached by a man on a golf cart thingy who politely asked if I had a permit to take photos. We are talking a mostly empty, mostly locked up site here - I'm not doing a photo shoot, I'm not in people's faces so I was curious what the problem was. He told me that security hand "pinged me" (or some such) and that I needed a permit. Most odd. For a moment I thought he might ask me to delete what I'd taken. I asked him where the closest toilet was, and moved on.
It's enough to make a man think. I've included a couple of illicit ones from the day as extras.
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