Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Home time

Up early this morning, packed and ready to leave. Breakfast for the youngest; cars collected and packed up; did a detour to the toy shop on the way out - the boys had holiday money to spend. Hugs goodbye to our son and daughter-in-law and we set out on our way home. Good journey back, past Stonehenge :)

Collected dogs from my sisters home, they were really pleased to see us. :)

Washing and unpacking this afternoon. Telephone call to AJ - she filled me in on her events over the weekend (paramedics out most days), breathless and needing relief from a nebuliser (care home not nursing home so unable to support this treatment). Unfortunately, she is still in isolation (14 days) since her discharge from hospital last Wednesday, which doesn’t help as she feels very isolated.

Back to lace class tonight, new venue, very nice. Managed to pick up where I had left it ….. 18 months ago!

Xxx Lili and Oscar are 13 today xxX

[Early hours of this morning, I had a missed call from my sisters pendant company as well as a message from her to say that she was taken to hospital. Later in the day she was admitted and will be in for a few days probably, gall bladder problems again. ]

Back to work tomorrow ……..


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