
By Mindseye


Another reasonable nights sleep…..awake just after 8, lounged for a little,while but was up before 8.30

Showered but decided to leave my hair until tomorrow, as Im going out. 

Tackled the ironing, took an hour and a half,  but all done now…..plus I ironed my holiday clothes too, which is daft really as they are going to get rolled up in order to fit ,into my 10kg cabin wheel on, but we all do it!! Once everything was put away, I  clambered up into the loft to retrieve my hand luggage bag, as i will need that too!  The walking cane that D nextdoor gave me did the trick in helping me to pull down the ladder :-)

Next a couple of admin things to sort before driving into town for some toiletries I need. Then on to you know where for a you know what, and a sandwich for my lunch…..i was looking at my phone when I suddenly felt someone right beside me……it was one of the ladies who used to work in Reds Cafe, where hub and I always went, she had only just found out, she gave me the biggest hug and said hiw sorry and sad she was. She sat and chatted for 10 mins or so, gave me her ohine number and said if ever I wanted to talk, to just ring her…….so kind, you might not be surprised to know she works in  Dementia Care. 

Back home, changed and out into the front garden, some major cutting back of the dwarf red acer and a couple of other shrubs, swept the curb side, ran the sharp edge of a trowel along the edge to get the weeds up, looks neat and tidy now! 
Dug up a big clump of pale pink phlox from the back garden, in exchange for a clump of dark cerise phlox off D&E nextdoor.  Bins full to the top now…..will be emptied Thursday thankfully. Todays  blip is my contribution to Mono Mondays 400th  anniversary…..I think this works in terms of the textures of both the wasp or hover fly and the flower head of the lavender. 

Had bubble n squeak from yesterdays sprouts, cauliflower and left over brisket with gravy, jacket potato for my tea, nefore heading off to camera club. Back just before 10, caught up with Silent Witness and watched Question of Sport,  it convinced with the new format, Host  or Captains, thus far?! 

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