
By Namaikisaru

Amerikan Fensu

Behold the American fence.
Other American lings available in Japan are; Amerikan jo-ku, Amerikan Kohi-.

As a non-Amerikan I would often take pains to explain my nationality to random taxi drivers and the like when asked about America.  Working for a US based company I would often even go as far to explain that many of the stereotypes are just not true.

It was exhausting and some people will only listen to what is being said if it fits with their pre-existing ideas.  Now when I'm asked what it's like in America I tell them, everyone is fat and we all have guns.  This is more often than not met with "I knew it", a big smile and a transition into how wonderful Japan is because we have four seasons.

However, I find the best thing to do is just walk and avoid taxi drivers completely.

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