Yes, it's another
..wildflower. You thought we were finished with them, didn't you. So did I, but I couldn't resist this sweet little common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris). I didn't intent to go out today, but this was so close to home it was really unnecessary. It was hanging from a bank, instead of standing up straight as they normally do, and the background was half in sun, half in shadow, giving these dreamy colours.
The majority of my day, however, was about being domestic both in the house and the garden (washing, cleaning, cutting grass, lalala). Necessary after my last three days gallivanting.
This is tagged for Tiny Tuesday, each of the individual yellow flowers being well less than a cm across and probably just over a cm in length if you include the rear spur. Very many thanks to JDO for hosting this month.
Take care, all, and have a lovely evening xx
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