
By pickle

Spring is here!

The blossoms are blooming outside my window, and the sun is shining, as I make my very slow attempt on the Japanese homework we have been set for Spring Break. We have to write at least three sides of diary entries, using as much grammar and kanji as we are able. I keep getting distracted by the Smithsonian Folkways youtube channel (great stuff, this for example), so I think it will be a long day. Still, the most interesting things are always discovered whilst you are meant to be doing something else!

In a few days, my Mum is coming to Japan with my little brother. I am very excited, and also a little nervous - it feels strange, like two very different worlds are on an imminent collision course. In Japan, I felt so far away from everything back in Scotland, my home life, and my family; perhaps I had to put thoughts of those things into storage a little in order not get too sad at the distance between us. But now, everything is coming together. I know, really, that it will be brilliant - but it is always a little scary being on the brink.

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