Journal of Jackie

By Jackie18

can't think of a title..........

We are having to have the house altered so that Rafi can get around it in his wheelchair. Craig the builder came round this morning to look at knocking a wall down in our dining room to create more space and better access to other rooms.

Rafi isn't too well today. Not quite sure why, but expect that he is in some pain from his tendon operation. He's been really restless, and as I'm sat next to him this evening he's half asleep , but can't keep his legs still. The casts must be heavy and are quite rough, so he could do himself and anyone close by quite a lot of damage!

He's spiked a temperature..................

Just finishing this off in the early hours of the next morning. Rafi has given us a scare. He took a turn for the worse on the ward and was having trouble breathing. He is back in intensive care. Thankfully the CT scan showed that his head is ok, no blocked shunt or bleed, but it seems that he may have a chest infection. He is sedated and on a ventilator. Not sure if I'll get much sleep tonight.

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