Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Apples and Books

This unruly apple tree is across the street from our condo….. most of those apples will go unused was they are so high, but I see people picking the few they can reach..  Maybe the birds will like them later…. 
I keep putting books we brought home from the island in this little library and they disappear quickly!

And the extra:   Tatum’s last night at home before she moves into her dorm at the UW today.  Do you think the animals know this?   Taken by her Mom.   Hopefully I’ll get a picture of the dorm later…. (I was in the U district today and saw lots of students with big suitcases..and almost all masked, outside!  NO I didn't go stop by Tatum's Dorm!   (later.......:-))

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