Carrot tops

Yesterday ginger. Today carrot.

I decided it was time to pick the remaining carrots. Unfortunately the carrot fly managed to attack quite a few but I still ended up with 1.5kg. Apparently the carrot fly can scent carrots being thinned from a considerable distance. It is said that planting onions or garlic amongst the carrots can deceive the fly but evidence that this actually works is not strong. So fleece barriers need to go up.

It begs the question whether it is all worth the effort. The smell and taste of home grown carrots is something different to supermarket bought ones so perhaps another go next year!

In the evening I joined a lecture organised by my old school. It was given virtually by Professor Dame Sue Black now at Lancaster University. Fascinating, erudite, informative and pitched perfectly to an audience of varied ages. It included an explanation of the origins of “forensic”. I.e. forensis which in Roman times was for public debate in the Forum, nowadays the court.

Her hair colouring also fitted the theme of the day!

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