Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2460. Lenovo Tablet

This is the tablet that I got for my friends and somehow it got in a bit of a state and no one could log into it!

I took it in to CEX as one of their guys offered to take a look at it and see if they could reinstall Windows 10 on it and get it all working again….which they did for me….and it wasn’t under warranty…the young chap just fixed it out of the goodness of his heart, which was amazing! I asked him what his tipple was and took in something I thought he would enjoy after all his hard work!

I have just completed the updates on it and that’s it all ready to go back to our friends at the weekend.

My friend had also been looking for a Mac of some description and I spotted a Mac Air whilst I was in CEX so I’m going back tomorrow to see if I can collect it for her. She’s happy to buy it and with a two year warranty it should be fine for her.

I’m so pleased that I’ve been able to get the tablet sorted as I know that my friend is desperate to use it for web browsing and browsing social media too…it’s perfect for that.

Hubby and I started to sort out the drawers in our spare room and managed to clear a cupboard and three drawers with two more to do….but that will have to be tomorrow as it took us almost two hours to do the small bit we did!

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