Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Woke up feeling better after sleeping most of the night, although still slightly groggy.  Today's power ramble was carried out with normal energy levels, so I think I'm over the worst of it.

Transplant clinic this morning.  Blood pressure was sky high as usual, definitely white coat syndrome as I regularly take blood pressure results in the house and they're in the right zones.  They also had problems extracting blood out of my veins, nothing like a bit of fishing in your veins to cause a bit of a pain.  Will find out blood test results tomorrow, everything crossed.

An afternoon spent on Teams, some good discussions, others I just despair.

On my power ramble I stopped to take a photo of the ducks, normally they swim away but these ones swam towards me.  So either they love the camera or they thought I had some food for them.  I think I know which one it was.

I'm off the rest of the week now.  Hurrah!

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Feeling better
2.  A good power ramble

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