Climbing trees

There's a good tree by their school which is perfect for small children to climb - at one point I think there were 6 in there clambering all over it. The tree provides a good distraction for the going home front. It was a lovely sunny afternoon, so we went home to play for a bit in the garden and enjoy the rest of the day. 

The eldest came home with a certificate for working really hard on his writing, the youngest had one yesterday for his science, they love getting them. 

I had to go to London (again!), which was quite exhausting and full-one (a presentation and then a briefing to give), so it's all been a bit adrenaline fuelled.  I'm in for an early night tomorrow evening! 

Today I'm grateful for: 
A round of applause after my presentation (the major general who went before me didn't get one!)
Somehow managing to get to London having got all I could sort ready for the husband (children ready for swimming, dinner on, car seats ready for lifts, bread in the bread maker - it was a little whirlwind of activity!)
So many good wishes for the husband from people I saw this evening and he used to work with but haven't seen him since his incident. 

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