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Time has felt like it's passed me by this last week. I've felt stuck in a number of ways. I didn't even leave the gate of the house today. I got my photos when a very nice man came to install a smart meter and failed. He couldn't find any place to put it, not that I was much fussed. I only booked a visit because the supplier kept pestering me. My meter is over fifty years old, built with the precision of a swiss watch, so I was told. I trust mine to outlast these new fancy, internet-connected versions anyway! The hen was fascinated to find a new place in which to stick its head and have a good scratch around. 

I've got an equally ancient gas meter and I suspect the kitchen would have to be dismantled in order to provide sufficient access to replace it. Related to gas supply and cost, is that we now have a carbon dioxide shortage - at a time when the concentration in the atmosphere has reached a critically high level. The world seems full of terrible ironies at the moment. 

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