feet well travelled

By feettravelled


sundays shouldnt start so early...7am isnt a lie in!!

church was a real reminder about the excitement of Jesus coming into Jeruselam. we were all waving palm branches and it was great to have fun praising Him. we also learnt about praising Him in our daily lives...not merely on sunday...thats food for thought.

then i went out in the FREEEEEZING cold to a friends house for lunch. yumm malaysian food cooked beautifully. however, dessert...was not what i was expecting...looked like frogspawn and tasted somewhat similar...i assume! lol

i was polite and ate it all! :S

sundays are for being lady and resting...so thats what i did.
iv decided i really need to lose weight so im going for it.
i dont want to feel uncomfortable in my own skin...so need to work hard at it.
so i ate the last of the mini eggs and will start a fresh in the morning.
night world.

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