Celebrating today. The evil money-grabbing parasites trying to rob us blind* have settled for a jaw-dropping amount of money rather than the bankrupting amount of money they originally wanted.
*Otherwise known as our esteemed former lawyers.
My favourite lawyer joke from years ago (when I was one - a lawyer that is, not a joke):
- What do you get if you cross the Godfather with a lawyer?
- An offer you can't understand.
So, we cracked open a fine bottle of fizz bought for us for our wedding all those years ago when we I called lawyers 'colleagues' rather than another word that begins with 'c'. It is (was) a 1990 Bollinger. And very very very fine it was too. A wee bit flat I have to say (but I understand that's quite common with older fizz, particularly when it's been stored in a boiler room. The story behind why we have fine wines in a boiler room is a long one - not entirely unrelated to the aforementioned evil money-grabbing parasites - but that's all behind us now!) The wine was, however, perfectly balanced, quite delicious and an entirely wonderful way to spend a gloomy Friday afternoon.
Apart from that it was a day of homeliness: making cards, banana bread and gingerbread. And eating the chocolate that I bought to make rice crispy cakes with.
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