
By sbreingan

Who killed Madame Wong?

For our friend James birthday, his wife had organised a murder mystery.
This was one of the most surreal things I have done in a long time. But rather fun.

Set in Hong Kong (where they are moving to in a few months) it was the story of the death of Madame Wong, the lady in charge of the tea rooms. We were each assigned characters and with various degrees of costume and props; I constructed a large pipe out of Amazon boxes and parcel tape that I was particularly proud of. We all had a motive. I was Boo Kim, the book seller next door. Mrs B was Lie-Low, whom I was infatuated with, and who served me tea all day long while I played Mahjong. There was Sung-Lo who played the flute (and was somewhat gender confused as you may tell from the picture), and Ah-Si-Now who quotes Confucius at random points. (It was of dubious political correctness).

Things took a somewhat unexpected darker turn as the story progressed and turned out I was trafficking children to the US for sham marriages (!), Madame Wong had a large secret opium den, and we had
covered up the death of Lie-Lo's mother from an overdose.

Although we thought we were going to have the entire room to ourselves, the owner of this small takeaway/restaurant managed to cram as many other diners into there as possible. They sat quietly eating while the drama unfolded. The owner was seemed vaguely bemused by the whole thing.

Turned out Mrs B was the murderer. Took the spout of her teapot when no-one was looking and fired a poison dart.

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