Those Autumn leaves
I slept well, probably because I was whacked. I had a bit of a fright last evening, think I must have dropped off to sleep in the very comfy reclining chair. Bella leapt up on my lap .. gave me quite a fright I can tell you. Missed part of a programme, but could'nt have been that interesting.
Breakfast for the dogs, Weetabix with milk & water, for me, yogurt, fresh fruit & granola, with the obligatory black coffee, then got organised to do a decent walk with the mutts this morning. Packed a flask of water, poo bags, obviously, doggie bix, camera, gum, but no money. The sun was shining when we left the house at 8.15, a couple of drivers kindly stopped so that we crossed the busy road. Once off the main road is fine, we walked the bridlepath down to Greenway, the home of Agatha Christie, now a National trust property, then onto the road down to Greenway Quay on the Dart estuary. The sun was hidden behind the trees so it was quite cool, but we sat for a while just watching the cormorants flying about, looking for a suitable perch. One of the river cruise boats from Dartmouth passed by on its way up to Totnes. Many visitors on board which was good to see. A coffee would have hit the spot. Don't know why I did'nt pack my purse. Must remember to pack it tomorrow, think we'll walk to Kingswear if the morning is fine. We came back the same way as we went so that Bess & Bella could be off their leads. I filled my flask with blackberries, once Bella & I had drunk the contents. Bella was a real live wire, typical working sprocker, disappearing into the hedge, Bess demanding a stick to be thrown. Both keeping me on my toes. We arrived back home at 11.45am. A beautiful morning walk completed.
Rang Mum at midday as arranged. She was waiting for my call as was Indie.
Rang hubby next, all good back home, he sounded chirpy. :-)
A freezer dip from home that I brought with me for lunch. Spinach, mushroom, & garlic pizza slice. Yum!
Quite chilly outside now so I'm going to have a lazy afternoon catching up on a few programmes I missed at home last week.
Anyone watch TGBBO?
Take care & stay safe Blippers.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday #colours of the season. Bracken, blackberry leaves, Old Man's beard, & Black Briony tweaked & layered in Picasa for this week blip. All taken on this morning's walk. Forgot to add blackberries. Hey ho!
Currently listening to Dido.
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