the blink of an eye

By weedave


this is a back blip , I am sitting typing this on Monday afternoon after a busy weekend of work
Saturday : spent all day working firstly on the contract in Livingston, then home to fix my pals floor after he had a slight mishap with a hammer ,a nail and a heating pipe !!!, then went to my freinds house to discuss our trip to France in September... kids went sledging till 10:30 pm ... home Via another friends house to collect her indoors ...that took another hour !!!

Sunday : work followed by a Tesco visit , then cooked dinner ...then colapsed on the couch !!!...woke up in time for bed !!!

Luckily I have finished the mad rush of work ( well until we get the go ahead for Liverpool !) so should be able to catch up with some of pics comments etc and get back to some sense of normality

this was another ( ok I KNOW I have had a few look alike pics of late ...will try harder!!) of her indoors arrangements ...enjoy !

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