Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Right Between the Eyes

Out early for treatment.  Now sunrise is around 7 am it is more a question of waiting until it's time to (hopefully) capture a sunrise.  I'd taken a few images as the cloud front moved east, I hoped it would be slow enough to allow the sun to rise underneath it and on this occasion I was lucky.  The warmth of the light that hit the trees was remarkable and clearly due to the reflected light from the underside of the cloud as well as the direct sunbeams.

Last treatment of the week and it was done and dusted before most of the commuters had got to work.  A particularly challenging week as the impact on my bladder becomes more apparent, just seven more sessions to go.  I was half thinking I might fill up with fuel (you never know), but the queues at the local supermarket were long and I wasn't that desperate.  Mind you for those that have electric vehicles I imagine the cost of driving is also going up after this week's news.  We were customers of one of the companies that went bust so we will be waiting to see what happens next.

Other than that it was a day of work, focusing on the back log in the licensing of premises.  As ever it was a case of two steps forward and then a step back, but at least it was progress.

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