Exit stage left

By NessD

Fuelled by caffeine

Me not the train. Although at times last night it did appear that they were trying to save money and use caffeine to fuel the train at times. We certainly stopped for inordinate amounts of time at several places en route and dawdled through vast swathes of Cornwall and Devon. I guess I was meant to be asleep and not notice that bit.

My plan to delay my drive out of London until after rush hour by lounging around in coffee shops was only partly successful. Some weren't open that early and the one's that were didn't have "facilities". I did play around with shots of commuters through the coffee shop window which gave some interesting blurry shots with lots of reflections. They would have certainly been a reflective of my vision at the time but they all irritatingly had very clear reflections of my hands in spoiling the shots. There were also surprisingly few commuters passing by between 7 and 8am in Fulham Broadway.

Further stops for caffeine got me back home safely but didn't stop me sleeping for a good 4 hours the minute my head touched the pillow. And now to tackle the washing mountain and ease my way gently back into normal life.


Edit: Snap! Lesley train. I'm glad I didn't go with the cropped shot otherwise it really would have been a case of spot the difference!

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