6 40am
So I had 1 bar of petrol left so thought have to fill up. The fill up cost me £75 gulp!!!! before I knew anything I approached thinking something happening here, turned the radio on and a voila. . I only queued 25 mins and the pump then saying out of oder ie ran out.. I'm.so very grateful for another pump in front...Best not start me off..Uk what is happening???
I managed to get to work however if I don't have petrol I getting to work 3 hours with 2 train changes and a bus ride for a 24 min drive..
Why did anyone think Brexit was good??
A GP friend is leading off lorry drivers pay increase, more HGV training being made available and GPS getting slaughtered by everyone.. Hmm not.getying involed in this one.
Why 5 minutes before hone time does a patient abscond and lie in front of the doors on a Friday... Exhausted wine calling
Happy Friday everyone appreciate blip and you all...
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