Spot The Seals

Spot the seals was the game we played on our circular walk around the spectacular Marloes peninsula today. In late Summer female seals and their pups arrive at the peninsula to shelter in the small bays, inaccessible from land. Every Cove seems to have its share of seals and, once you get your eye in, it's easy to spot them but not so easy to get a decent photo, especially from the top of the towering cliffs and with my phone camera which is all I've been able to post with this week. Being white-ish, the pups tend to stand out better against the pebbles and rocks than their mothers.

We were pretty hungry after another long walk so headed back to Broad Haven for fish and chips by the beach before taking our books down to the beach at Little Haven where we sat until the sun went down behind the headland.

In extras is a view of the Marloes' coastline

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