William Widgery
Today's blip shows the granite cross on the summit of Brat Tor on Dartmoor. Known as Widgery Cross, it is visible for miles around and involves a strenuous walk to reach the top of the tor. It was erected by William Widgery to commemorate Queen Victoria's Slilver Jubilee in 1887. Widgery was born in North Molton in 1826. He was the son a farm labourer, who went on to become a successful artist, and is today perhaps the best known painter of Dartmoor scenes.. After becoming established as an artist he bought a house in Lydford and came up to this part of the moor to paint. His sweeping moorland scenes and use of colour was highly regarded and his paintings are still sought after today. I was keen to come here today, not for the cross, but to try and experience the landscape as Widgery saw it. I wasn't disappointed.
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