Another late night offering...
The fifth car of my current relationship - what an odd way to measure something so wonderous... We've been living together now for over twenty years.
Our first car was jointly shared with my partner's ex-husband. Our second car was bought before the birth of our son. We drove it to Ceduna to watch a total solar eclipse when my partner was pregnant. Our third car was purchased about the time he started school. Our fourth car was bought about the time he went from primary school to secondary - he was a cub-scout at the time - ahh such innocence and such fun! He's now nearing the end of high school, about to graduate to university, and we've sold him that car - a station wagon that suits him far more than it suits us. He'll be paying it off in instalments over the next four years along with heavily subsidised insurance and maintenance. It's got a few scratches and dents in it, most of them the time he spent earlier this year delivering pizzas!
Today I picked up the new car - it is a thing of wonder! So much has changed in so many areas of my life in the last 20 years. Car technology is one of them. They say that you have no idea what you're getting into when you have children.
They are correct!
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