Horses Have Rights Too

I went out on a longish walk this golden morning, leaving Janet to relax with the sewing machines. I took a camera, although in truth I didn't expect to see much, and spent a couple of tranquil hours listening to an audio-book as I wandered about twelve kilometres around the village.

I encountered these two on a public right of way. They were chilled and interested enough to come over and say hello, and get a scratch behind the ears. I'm not a horse rider, and it always slightly astonishes me how barrel bodied they are when viewed from the front.

On the way home I bumped into the pair in the extra, walking their dogs, and they were so colourful it was impossible to walk past without asking for a photo! They gave permission for publication too, bless 'em. I might have led with them, but maybe it persuades you to 'go large'...

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