Micrathena, you gorgeous girl!
I spotted this tiny orbweaver several weeks ago but when I went back to try to get a shot, couldn't find her anywhere. A bit of a disappointment because I don't see many of them in my garden, many years none at all. Well, imagine my delight when I spotted her again last night and re-found her this morning. She was making repairs to her web which is right next to the house siding, hence the weird background. I toyed with trying to move her then remembered that these spider will instantly drop down into the vegetation if disturbed. And because of their size, good luck spotting them. She'd fit on the end of a pencil eraser, just to give you some context.
Another poor night of sleep which just seems to be the norm now. But my hands continue to feel pretty good so that's a win.
I've been doing major purchasing for my trip to Columbia, including tripod mounting plates (needed some spares), some nifty photography glove/mittens, a thermal vest for the high elevations, desiccant bags, spare batteries and SD cards, KN95 masks, and even a new roller camera backpack/bag. Every day is like Christmas when the Amazon truck pulls into the driveway. Hubs even found my Frogg Toggs rain poncho that I'd misplaced. International calling plan is in place and I'm stocked on insect repellent and sunscreen. Two years since I was last on an airplane which is the longest stretch I've gone in my entire 65 years.
Haven't made a final dark decision yet today but maybe something with fruit...
Oh, and one hummer in the garden this morning.
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