Farm and Finance

A nice dog walk this morning down the road, up the horse lane and then back up the inside of the field. Vinnie (my blip) usually leads the way, but did get distracted this morning with all the sniffs inside the hedgerow. Honey just plods along wherever we go.
Back home, shopping delivery and then up to the farm to meet Nicoiseannie (and Paul) for a bite to eat, cuppa and plan for tomorrow. I’m going to get to Anne’s and we’ll go from there, just one car in case it’s busy. Plus I’ve not got much petrol…. 
Home and sat and went through finance with son. He has had a period of self employment and although now employed again, has to complete a tax return in January, so I wanted to get ahead of the game and work out with him what he will owe the tax man. Good news, he has about 2/3 saved so should be fine.
Excited for tomorrow, fingers crossed the location we’ve chosen won’t be mobbed. There might be some fence climbing involved:-)

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