Hello Stranger.

Went on a flying visit to a nieces house this afternoon to see another niece who is over from the States for a week.

She was giving the impression that she was slightly bored with her school mates.
Hardly any of them have been outside of the USA and quite a few have never been out of the State and have no desire to do so.
She finds this hard to understand - probably because she has spent half her life in other countries (mainly Africa).

After the flying visit it was off to collect No1 sons kilt.

That caused a couple of incidents of the heart stopping.

First was when they had the collection down in the diary for next month (Same name - different hire).
The second was when they said that the jacket would not arrive until after we were due to be on-route. It was pointed out he didn't need/want the jacket and the problem was solved ................. Thank God.

We need to start packing now as we leave in the morning.

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