Planko's Pics

By planko

Two men in a boat

Woke up this morning with a bit of a hangover, far too much rum & diet cokes last night!

Decided we would head out and walk along Kinshaldy Beach in search of my 1000th blip as i'd taken today off work because our friends are up. Was absolutely freezing but we had a great time.

Found a metal boat on the shoreline, couple of rips in the hull, but it still floated enough for me and Stewart to spend the next 40 minutes playing around on the boat, taking it into the waves, trying to balance on it as it floated on the incoming tide without falling in.

Then headed to St Andrews for something to eat and to dry off, buy some more booze for this evening, then back home (via several detours on the way) to review all the pictures we took today. Liked this one the best.

I think my photos have gotten better since I started doing blip. It certainly leads to some nice adventures :)


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