Ernvall Goes

By sernvall14

Pre-St. Patty's Day!

I have been house sitting downtown this week on Michigan Avenue and this morning we got up and began the festivities. Katie, Maria, and I, along with a few others started with green pancakes this morning and then headed downtown to see the dying of the river. I have lived in Chicago for almost 8-years and not once have I seen the River Green and so... OH HAPPY DAY! I did this year! There was also a parade and other things happening down here but we headed to meet up with some friends for a drink. Ten blocks and two bars later we settled at "Dublin" for a beer and the Michigan State basketball game. What a day we had!

After being downtown we went to dinner at Garcia's where I participated in the margarita pitcher challenge... with myself and then to O'lanagan's!

Such a fun night and really enjoyed catching up on old time fun!

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