
By JohnHeuston1

Something to chew on

A wise man told me some years ago to walk the city streets with my head up. Not that I am or was a shoegazer, his point was more twofold. Firstly, you'll see a lot if you keep your gaze at eye-level, you'll be able to keep your wits about you more straightforwardly. His other point was more esoteric, and involved the ability to view the city's architecture, much of which we miss in our day-to-day looking downwards in our rush to get to that place that will fall apart without us, or in our conscious belief that avoiding eye contact will not only keep us safe, but keep us minding our own business. The upper floors are worth a look, and it draws us away from the shopfronts and street furniture that captures our attention day and daily.

I normally go with this. I like to think I have my wits about me, and mine is not a dreamy amble, the charades version of Walter Mitty. Like most of us (I assume) I vary things though, just to keep things interesting. This afternoon though, fighting the biting cold, my face was downwards as I brrreed to cross a bridge. And that was when I noticed it. The city I live in has a quite remarkable amount of chewing gum blithely abandoned on the pavements.

I interviewed a candidate for my course this afternoon. He sat waiting for me, early (good sign), smartly dressed (better sign) and polite and articulate when we introduced ourselves (best sign). Only when we sat and began to chat did I notice he was chewing gum. I suggested he lose it, and he did so apologetically. Is it the footballer thing, the Alex Ferguson-embodied football manager characteristic thing, to chew gum for concentration? I don't, but I'm ok with it, I get it. But for interview?

And then leaving my place of work, quite coincidentally, I saw the sheer amount of discarded gum on the pavement nearby. And then walking to the train station, despite my resolve to look upwards, I stared at each pavement. It's a problem alright. What's the answer? Sure, there must be a street cleaner that picks it up, but maybe the answer is rather more prosaic. That people who chew gum should stop dropping it where they stand. Litter-dropping was a problem when I was young (not that I did) and it's not gone, and maybe the discarded gum thing has the same root. Gum under desks in classrooms - never got that either. Gum makers seem to ask us on their packets to dispose well and safely, but we're not paying attention. We really need to chew this one over.

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