
By JCat


It was definitely a night for the fireside today! This piece of art work was bought by my late brother, no-one else in the family liked it except me, so now it sits appropriately by our fire.

The history bit..

In Greek mythology, this three-headed watchdog guards the entrance to the underworld, or Hades, to prevent those who have crossed the river Styx from ever escaping.
Originally, Cerberus was portrayed having fifty or hundred heads but was later pictured with only three heads. The three heads each respectively see and represent the past, the present, and the future, though other sources suggest the heads represent birth, youth, and old age.
Cerberus permitted new spirits to enter the realm of dead, but allowed none of them to leave. Only a few ever managed to sneak past the creature, Orpheus, who lulled it to sleep by playing his lyre, and Hercules, who brought it to the land of the living for a while, this was the last of his Twelve Labours.

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