Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Greenhouse - early autumn view

I spent most of the afternoon clearing the greenhouse today: composting dead plants, removing rotten and dry foliage, topping up the last summer aubergines/peppers with a fresh layer of compost, repotting basil plants and repositioning all the tomato plants on the right side to make room for squashes and pumpkins.

And I wasn't alone as there's been a froggy-in-residence in the greenhouse for a few months now!

I always have mixed feelings about the end of the growing season: on the one hand, it's great to finally get a bit of a break and be able to catch my breath as the summer months are so intense. On the other, it's always a bit sad, especially after a less successful than usual summer.

But the upside is there's still plenty to do in the autumn and the winters are relatively short in Oxford!

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