Last? Rose of?

Cheers Clicky!
Sunday a.m. inspection.  Clicky always calls round en route from "The Mate" to home.
She spotted a Rose, in full Bloom on the Standard and I suggested she look at the one at the other end of the garden, if she took the scenic route (Via the path, rather than crossing the Lawn and leaping down)  She told me she always takes that route.  Out of idle curiosity I escorted her out; not my usual custom, but curious to see the Rose I'd suggested.
Memory being as poxy as ever I can't, for the life of me, remember if I saw the flowering one in tight bud, like its colleague 24, or 48 hours ago. It just grew some.  At her suggestion I took a couple of shots, one on autopilot and one set at "Idiot+Flash".  The auto pulled its usual stunt and took a perfect shot of 25% of the photo (i.e. the background) and the real subject as usual, fuzzy-as-hell.

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